H 1367 Creates A Coyote Commission [2006]

in Massachusetts

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would create a commission to investigate and study “the growing overpopulation of coyotes.” The data gathered would be used to develop a comprehensive plan to address the issue, balancing the safety of residents with the needs of coyotes for adequate habitat.
Action: Please write your Representative and urge him or her to support H 1367. Tell your Representative that this legislation creates a program that takes into consideration the many humane methods of addressing humane-wildlife conflicts. Coyotes play a vital ecological role in healthy ecosystems by reducing rodent populations and keeping other animal populations in check. Keeping coyotes around helps to maintain a balance within the environment. Addressing human-wildlife conflicts in a thoughtful manner and acknowledging the complexity of maintaining a natural balance will help communities to attain long-term solutions to any conflicts that exist.

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H 1345 Limits the Effect of Certain Animal Protection Laws [2006]