HB 199 Bans Cruel Snares [2009]

in Hawaii

Update: Unfortunately, this bill did not complete the legislative process this session. Please stay tuned for further developments.

Bill Description: This bill would prohibit the use of snare traps (cable nooses) to capture or kill animals. This bill also addresses other practices, including the use of bait to hunt wildlife.
[teaserbreak] Snares cause immense suffering and they are not species-selective. They catch and injure or kill non-target animals, including family cats and dogs and endangered species. One tragic example of the non-selective nataure of these devices occurred in October 2003 in Maui, when a pregnant dog was caught and injured by 1 of 19 snares placed in Upcountry.

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HB 1842 Protects Pet Shop Animals [2009]