As a part of ongoing Earth Day celebrations and activities, Born Free USA staffed a table at the Sacramento Earth Day Festival Sunday, April 26. The weather was gorgeous and we thoroughly enjoyed talking to people of all ages about our campaigns and activities. Children loved hearing about our Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary and how we care for more than 500 monkeys living there. Many individuals thanked us for our efforts against Ringling Bros. and asked thoughtful questions about everything from birds and turtles to aquariums and zoos.
In conjunction with our partnership with 41Pounds.org — in which we receive an extra donation for signing up at least 50 new accounts in April — we also issued a special challenge: “What Would You Do with 41 Pounds of Junk Mail?” Folks could pick up the bin of junk mail on our table (somehow it seems way heavier when it’s a bunch of paper in a mail bin rather than, say, a couple of dumbbells at the gym) and then give us their best and most creative answers.
How about a papier-mâché elephant? Build a house? Create other sculptures? Line the cat box? The answers were varied, but our winner had the earth in mind when she suggested using it in her garden boxes as part of her mulching and soil prep for the following planting season. For her answer, Ms. Struthers received a free subscription to 41Pounds.org. Now she’ll have no junk mail to use in her plan!
It’s not too late for you to sign up! Remember, your good deed for the planet is a good deed for the animals through donations made to us by 41Pounds.org. Now I’m off to go make a papier-mâché elephant from that 41 pounds of junk mail we brought back to the office …
Blogging off,