Monkeys Dig Jewelry!

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If you are like me, you have experienced the frustration of feeling so deeply about helping animals but simply don’t have the funds at your fingertips to give. However, I have come to realize that if I put my thinking cap on, there are limitless ways to help Born Free USA help animals!
Are you a painter, photographer, jewelry maker, or musician? Sell your creations to benefit Born Free USA!

Do you like to run, swim, bike, hike, or play team sports? Find people to sponsor your favorite charity for your next race or tournament!

I wonder how exciting it would be to sit down a write a $1,000 check to Born Free USA … not possible.

But I am an avid runner, so I decided to run a race in honor of Born Free USA. I acquired donations from friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances who either love animals, running, or just want to support me! $1,000 raised.

Perhaps you are a socialite who relishes the thought of lavish wine and cheese parties, or rowdy barbecues with moonwalks and reggae bands — So host an event or benefit! Explore your friends’ interests and hobbies as well as your own to see how their activities can be tailored to a fundraising event. Remember, there is more power in numbers!

Necklaces: $40; with matching earrings, $50

I decided to partner up with my friend Brett Ashley to build on this concept. She specializes in making bead jewelry, so I suggested she partner with Born Free USA and give a portion of her proceeds to help saving animals from inhumane treatment. She loved the idea, and has already sold enough necklaces to provide care for a resident at our Primate Sanctuary for a year!

“Even though I am currently unable to be more hands-on with animal welfare issues, this allows me a chance to feel like I am making a difference,” Brett told me.

Necklaces: $40; with matching earrings, $50

Our hope is to hold a stand at our local farmer’s market next month to get even more exposure to the community about ways to help out. And then maybe host a Born Free USA Monkey House Party to sell more … and raise more … for the animals!

Beads for baboons? Ask your friends! If you would like to purchase a piece of jewelry, please contact Maggie Graham at, with your preferred bead colors, size, and length, and we will customize it to your taste!

Your turn. Brainstorm your next fundraising plan for Born Free today!

Blogging off,


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Scapegoating Canada Geese