One step at a time. That’s how Born Free USA achieves many of our victories for animals. We start down a path, we press firmly onward, we stay focused and we cross that finish line with heads held high.

in Sacramento.
Sometimes, our knees ache a little afterward, but there is no question that we are willing to go the extra mile to succeed — whether biking down Mount Kenya, surviving the London Marathon, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or running for the Born Free USA team in the past two California International Marathons. We love the go-team-go camaraderie, for sure. But our main purpose was to raise money to support our campaigns, animals at the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary and other efforts to Keep Wildlife in the Wild®!
Born Free is a dynamic animal protection organization, and we’re happy to get away from our computers and get active to raise funds. In fact, we raised thousands of dollars from those two California marathons alone. We hope our supporters can “step up” again this year to sponsor Team Born Free USA as once more we run resolutely through the streets of Sacramento on Sunday, Dec. 5. Every penny we raise will be used for the care of 500-plus rescued primates at the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in Texas.
Our dedicated staff members, and even a spouse, are training hard and I encourage you to show your support for Lorry, Chad, Monica and Jillian. They need to know you are with them … and with Born Free USA.
One donation at a time, you can help us save the animals!
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