Usually I blog about wild animals and what can, or should, be done to protect them. Today I’d like to write about a person who has done such a lot to protect animals for a very long time: sensational British actress Joanna Lumley. She and my mother, Virginia McKenna, are close friends.

joins Joanna Lumley
backstage on Broadway.
Joanna, who is best known to American audiences for her long-running role in the BBC import “Absolutely Fabulous,” has worked with the Born Free Foundation (Born Free USA’s sister organization in the United Kingdom) since my parents and I founded it in 1984. She has assisted in a number of campaigns and is an incredibly loyal supporter; she is recognized as our “Founder Patron.”
These days Jo is on Broadway in “La Bete.” She and co-stars Mark Rylance and David Hyde Pierce have been showered with accolades for their performances both in New York and earlier in London in the David Hirson play, set in 17th century France and which pairs a low-brow comedian with a high-brow playwright. Jo portrays a spoiled-brat patron — gloriously, I must say, to the hilt and well beyond!
If you live in the New York City area or are visiting there over the holidays, please consider attending the show. You’ll have a rollicking good time, I assure you. The show’s run ends Jan. 9, so don’t postpone the adventure!
I am so pleased to see that the “La Bete” program mentions Born Free USA and Jo’s support of our work. It urges playgoers to consider donating to the Born Free USA Primary Sanctuary.
She writes: “I have supported the Born Free Foundation for many, many years. The story of ‘Born Free,’ of the Adamsons and Elsa the lioness, has always inspired me. Lions, giraffes, elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses — all of the world’s wildlife deserve protection and freedom. And now there is Born Free USA right here in America, also working hard to save some of our planet’s most incredible species and campaigning for your amazing wildlife heritage. …
“Would you share my passion and join me in supporting Born Free USA and help stop the horrific wildlife trade, barbaric steel-jaw leghold traps and cruel circuses, and the keeping of exotic animals such as tigers and chimpanzees as ‘pets’ ”?
It is so important to have big names support big causes such as ours. Rachel Hunter, Elizabeth Hurley, Joanna Lumley — they have stepped up for Born Free in the past. We need that celebrity support to bring our message to the world, and we definitely encourage celebrities — and future celebs such as teen singer, songwriter and actress Tiger Darrow — to lend their voice to our work — not forgetting the greatest celeb of them all: my mum!
Blogging off.