Project’s Leader Thanks Born Free USA and You

in Scarlet Macaws

Dr. LoraKim Joyner of Lafeber Conservation and Wildlife sent this e-mail to Born Free USA Senior Program Associate Monica Engebretson.

Dear Monica:

I wanted to let you know that I will be going to Honduras in two days and how wonderful the funds have been that Born Free offered. We could not be doing all that we are going to do without this contribution.
Because of these funds, we can bring a number of biologists to the field with us for 12 days and we can do all the training to set them up for a year of field work coming up. I was also able to buy field equipment for climbing trees, cameras, binoculars, GPS and range finders.

In addition we are going to do several days of conservation education in the area schools, again possible because of funding from Born Free.

An added bonus that you might want to do know about: A film company has committed to making a documentary about wild parrots in Mesoamerica, and it is highlighting Honduras. The angle is about the well-being of parrots and people being tied together.

I am so grateful, really, for Born Free and for your support.

In gratitude,

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