December 2011 Update

in Scarlet Macaws

The scarlet macaw project in Honduras has been a resounding success. A critical component to having a successful research station is ensuring birds are protected even when the scientists are not there. With support from Born Free USA and others, the communities of Rus Rus and Mabita organized parrot patrols to combat poaching.
As a direct result of these efforts 11 scarlet macaw chicks confiscated directly from poachers were provided care until they were old enough to fly. So far, six of the chicks are now flying free and returning the enclosure at night for food and protection.

Because of the “parrot patrols” these young parrots will be able to stay in the wild near to their flocks and families, instead of spending the rest of their lives in small cages.The confiscation and release of confiscated birds back into the wild is no easy task, but this amazing dedicated team and community made this miracle a reality.

They need our continued support to keep scarlet macaws flying free in Honduras!

Dr. LoraKim Joyner of Lafeber Conservation and Wildlife sent this e-mail to Born Free USA Senior Program Associate Monica Engebretson:

“I just sent the last of the Born Free funds to pay for the free flying macaws in Mabita, Honduras. Your donation has literally kept those birds flying free near their parents and extended families. The local people were able to confiscate 11 birds and release them, softly. They still have to feed them daily and your funds allowed for cages, transport, and the daily feeding. Now we are looking for funds to pay the parrot patrols for the coming year.”

Read more about the confiscated and released scarlet macaw chicks here and here.

Read more updates about our scarlet macaw project.

See the scarlet macaw project’s photo gallery.

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Texan Wins Inaugural Free Bird Photo Contest!