Two Weeks After the Release …

in Dolphins In Turkey

It’s now just over two weeks since Tom and Misha were released back into the wild and their progress continues to be tracked via their satellite tags and, with Tom, via his VHF tag.

Misha has moved about a great deal and appears to be hunting in the seas near to the island of Rhodes. Tom, as you will see from the earlier reports, is near the Turkish mainland, and because of his tendency to travel and hunt near to the coastline, Jeff and Derya have based themselves in that region for a few days to monitor his progress.
In order to pick up a signal from a VHF transmitter they need to be within a few miles’ radius. While the weather is hampering their efforts — and the tag signals — Jeff managed to get a sighting of Tom yesterday and confirmed that the VHF signal, that indicated Tom was in a feeding and traveling pattern, was proving a good indicator of his behaviour as Tom looked bright-eyed, well-fed and was making long dives.

After two weeks in the wild, and with their strong movement patterns, both dolphins appear to be adapting well to catching their own food. There is now a good network of support in both Greece and Turkey that continues to spread the word about Tom and Misha, and the all important message to not approach them. Progress so far remains encouraging and tracking will continue as long as is feasible.

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Six Weeks After the Release ...