AB 711 Would Phase Out Lead in Ammunition [2013]

in California

Update (Oct. 11, 2013): This bill was signed into law by the governor.

Bill description: This bill would phase in a requirement that non-lead ammunition be used in hunting statewide in California by July 2016. Lead has been widely known as a toxin for more than 2,000 years. The Centers for Disease Control reports there is no safe level of lead for humans.
[teaserbreak] While lead has been banned in almost all products, it is still widely used in the hunting industry. Lead left behind in spent ammunition poses a serious threat to birds and other wildlife, including highly endangered species such as the California condor. Lead doesn’t just kill, but delivers a slow, agonizing death — often involving emaciation, paralysis and organ failure.

What you can do: Call or e-mail your legislators and urge them to support Assembly Bill 711.

Read the bill’s text here. (PDF)

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