Elephant Poachers “Will Not Have the Last Word in Kenya”

in Animal News

After Kenya torched a 15-ton stockpile of ivory last week, Kenya’s President Kenyatta pledged to destroy all the nation’s ivory—one of the world’s largest stockpiles—in a leading gesture that echoes 1989, when Kenya’s ivory burn helped trigger the international ban on the ivory trade that remains in place today. President Kenyatta states, “Our message must remain clear. Many of these tusks belong to elephants that were wantonly slaughtered by criminals. We want future generations of Kenyans, Africans, and indeed entire world to experience the majesty and beauty of these magnificent animals in the natural world. Poachers and their enablers will not have the last word in Kenya.” Click here to see Born Free USA’s photos of the Kenya ivory burn.

Link: National Geographic

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