Born Free USA is pleased to announce that the California Assembly passed A.B. 96, legislation that would ban the sale of ivory and rhinoceros horn in the state of California. We are thankful to Speaker Toni Atkins for introducing this important piece of legislation. The bill will now go to the California Senate.
According to Adam M. Roberts, CEO of Born Free USA and Born Free Foundation, “The elephant poaching epidemic across Africa has reached crisis levels and rhino poaching is escalating exponentially. Unfortunately, the U.S. is the second largest ivory market in the world, and California is a major market for ivory in the States. We are thankful for Speaker Atkins’ leadership on this bill, which is a crucial part of ending the slaughter. We look forward to making sure this bill passes swiftly in the California Senate.”
Read more about the brutal ivory trade in Born Free USA’s groundbreaking reports, Ivory’s Curse and Out of Africa.