H.R. 2920: Captive Primate Safety Act [2015-16]

in House

Bill description:
This bill amends the Lacey Act to prohibit interstate commerce in monkeys, apes, and other primates in the exotic “pet” trade. It is narrowly crafted to target the commerce in and private possession of primates, and would not impact zoos, circuses, universities, or sanctuaries.[teaserbreak]

This bill has been reintroduced several times, most recently in 2013 as H.R. 2856/S. 1463.

Check out our fact sheet for more details. Read our press release on its introduction here.

Charla Nash, an inspirational woman who survived a brutal pet chimpanzee attack in 2009, spoke before the media and members of Congress in July of 2014 about her ordeal. Her message: she does not want what happened to her to happen to any other person, because it’s preventable. Her courageous story continues to galvanize support throughout Congress. Read our press release about the event here.

Take Action:
Please contact your U.S. representative and urge him or her to cosponsor this important legislation!

Read the full text and follow its progress here.

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