Now that the weather is warming up, you may be looking for outdoor activities to fill your spring weekends. However, if you’re planning a trip to your local zoo, we hope that you reconsider.[teaserbreak]
Visiting a zoo may seem like an innocent, family-friendly activity: strolling through the grounds, grabbing a snack, and spotting numerous species of wildlife all in one place.
That’s a human’s perspective of a zoo. And, that’s precisely the problem; zoos operate from a human perspective.
At their core, zoos normalize the notion of keeping a collection of wild animals in cages for our viewing pleasure. They remove wildlife from the wild or breed them in captivity, contain them in unnatural enclosures that are a fraction of the size and diversity of their natural habitats (often in inappropriate climates), and separate them from others of their kind. In the wild, animals can have hundreds of miles to roam, they live with their herds or families, and they have the freedom to choose how to spend their time. Even the ‘best’ zoos pale in comparison to wild environments. Animals simply can’t express their full range of natural behaviors or meet their complex needs in a zoo. As a result, they may feel cramped, lonely, or bored, or even exhibit “zoochosis” (obsessive, repetitive behaviors borne from stress, like swaying or pacing).
That’s an animal’s perspective of a zoo.
By their very nature, zoos don’t put the needs of the animals first. Rather, zoo animals are ultimately commodities that are bought, sold, and displayed… for us.
Some argue that zoos promote conservation—but true conservation would be to protect animals in their natural habitats. (The next best option would be to care for the animals in accredited sanctuaries, where their needs are the top priority.) However, zoos do just the opposite; they often take animals out of nature to confine them in captivity without the goal of releasing them back to the wild.
Some argue that zoos promote education—but true education would be to learn about how animals live naturally. How much can we learn about an elephant who’s restricted to a single slab of concrete?
Still think we need to see wild animals up close in order to appreciate them? Consider ‘the dinosaur argument.’ We’ve never seen dinosaurs first-hand, yet we know about their biology, their diets, and their behaviors. Museum exhibits teem with children who are fascinated by dinosaurs. And, as evidenced by the immense popularity of the Jurassic Park film series, we don’t need to see real dinosaurs to find them interesting.
You can enjoy the spring weather by planning an ecotour for your next family vacation, taking a walk around your neighborhood, going for a hike in the woods, or even asking your local animal shelter if you can volunteer to walk adoptable dogs. But, before heading to the zoo, think about what that day will be like for the animals.
We choose to be there; they don’t. We choose to spend an afternoon; they’re forced to spend a lifetime. As an animal lover, consider what the animals would love.
Keep Wildlife in the Wild,