Born Free Submits Written Testimony in Support of Maryland Bill H.B. 712

Born Free submitted written testimony in support of the passage of Maryland House Bill 712, “Natural Resources – Wildlife Trafficking Prevention.” Born Free supports passage of this Bill, which would ban the sale, purchase, and trade of parts and products of twelve of the most endangered and imperiled species targeted by wildlife traffickers and hunters, including elephants, lions, rhino, and leopards. As with similar bills passed in other states, H.B. 712 bans more than the possession of these items, has appropriate exceptions, and contains criminal penalties for violations. Not only is this Bill a compassionate solution to real problems of poaching and potential extinction of some of the world’s most cherished species, but it is needed now more than ever, with the federal government’s policies on importing trophies from international hunts in limbo.

Read Written Testimony (PDF)

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