Born Free USA Opposes Proposed Rescission of the Blanket 4(d) Rule for Protection of Threatened Species

in ESA

Ed Bowlby, NOAA research co-ordinator [1] [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Born Free USA signed onto a letter in opposition to the proposed rescission of the regulation automatically extending protections to threatened species under Section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act (“blanket 4(d) rule” or “rule”). For nearly 40 years, the blanket 4(d) rule has provided protections afforded to endangered species to threatened species as a default, helping to ensure that no harm happens while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service considers a species-specific regulation. By prohibiting take of threatened species, including harm, harassment, and killing by any person, the blanket 4(d) rule has prevented harm to hundreds of species from piping plovers to sea otters. Rescinding the rule would undercut recovery and increase extinction risk for threatened species across the country, as well as increase inefficiency at the Service.

View the Letter (PDF)

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