Tiger King Failed to Address the Difference Between Zoos and Sanctuaries and Why Breeding Tigers Does Not Help Conservation

in Animals in Captivity, Tiger King

Photo: Petr Kratochvil/Public Domain Pictures.

Netflix’s docu-series Tiger King drew a staggeringly high number of viewers, with some 64 million households globally having watched. But, as a series explores the eccentricities of the show’s principle character, Joseph Maldonado-Passage (known as “Joe Exotic”), and showcases numerous instances of animal abuse at Joe Exotic’s roadside zoo, the series largely failed to explore the animal welfare issues surrounding zoos and the breeding of tigers and other big cats in captivity. In this article for One Green Planet, Born Free USA CEO Angela Grimes addresses what the docu-series failed to, exploring the distinction between zoos and sanctuaries and how captive breeding does not support wildlife conservation.


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