“Monkeys in America” – Born Free USA’s Dr. Liz Tyson on Talking Apes Podcast

in Animals in Captivity, Primate Sanctuary

Every now and then, headlines pop up about a monkey on the loose, TikTok videos of pet monkeys go viral, occasionally even celebrities will get their faces in the paper for their pet monkeys. But, these blips of fame and notoriety of pet primates barely scratches the surface of just how many monkeys, apes, and other primates are being kept in people’s basements, backyards, and bedrooms throughout the USA. With around 15,000 pet primates around the country, we have to ask ourselves: “Is it legal? Is it safe? It is ethical? Who decides?”

Born Free USA’s Dr. Liz Tyson spoke with GLOBIO’s Talking Apes podcast about the plight of pet primates and the work being done to keep these wild animals out of private hands. Listen here or at the link below.


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