Webinar – Clawing at the Cages: Big Cats in Zoos

in Animals in Captivity, Blog

On May 14, 2024, Born Free USA hosted a live webinar on big cat captivity, “Clawing at the Cages: Big Cats in Zoos.” Born Free USA Programs Director, Dr. Liz Tyson, hosted the discussion, which featured Devan Schowe, Born Free USA Campaigns Associate, who discussed the findings of Born Free USA’s report on big cat zoo captivity, “Clawing at the Cages”; Kathryn Bertok, Assistant Director of Carolina Tiger Rescue, who spoke about the challenges of rescuing big cats and the welfare issues of having big cats in captivity – even in wildlife sanctuaries; and Kate Dylewsky, Assistant Director of Government Affairs at the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), who discussed the recently passed Big Cat Public Safety Act and the importance of animal protection legislation for safeguarding big cats in captivity.

Next Steps after You Watch

Learn more with Born Free USA’s report, Clawing at the Cages.

Sign the petition to end dangerous big cat interactions.

Help protect big cats by symbolically adopting a big cat species.

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The Born Free USA Team


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