Born Free USA Opposes H.R. 6784, the Manage our Wolves Act

in ESA, Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Born Free USA strongly opposes the Manage our Wolves Act (H.R. 6784), introduced by Representative Sean P. Duffy (R-WI) and headed for a vote this week in the U.S. House of Representatives. Despite its intended innocuous title, this devastating bill would remove federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections from gray wolves in the lower 48 states.

This week’s vote is just the latest in a long line of attempts over the last decade to delist gray wolves and turn management control over to the states, many of which are hostile towards the species and their further recovery. In addition to blocking federal protections in the lower 48 states, H.R. 6784 also overrides a recent court decision to remove ESA protections from gray wolves in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. It also needlessly codifies a second court decision that stripped ESA protections from gray wolves in Wyoming.

In addition to legislatively delisting this iconic species, this bill prohibits further judicial review of these wolf delistings and thus sets an alarming and detrimental trend of undermining citizens’ right and access to the U.S. judicial system.

This bill not only attacks this iconic and keystone species, it also undermines the ESA itself. Congress passed the ESA almost unanimously in 1973, and today, 90% of Americans support this bedrock conservation law as a means to conserve and protect our most imperiled plant and wildlife. The ESA has helped pull the gray wolf back from the brink of extinction, but there is still more work to be done.

Angela Grimes, Born Free USA Acting CEO, states:

“We have seen an alarming increase of attacks on the Endangered Species Act and the imperiled species and ecosystems it protects from both Congress and this Administration. We need to urge our leaders to support wildlife conservation and not give in to extreme rhetoric special interest groups.”

Born Free USA strongly opposes H.R. 6784 and is calling on the U.S. House of Representatives to reject this extreme and dangerous piece of legislation. Learn more on how to help advocate for animals at

About Born Free USA

Born Free USA, a national 501(c)(3), believes that every individual animal matters. Inspired by the Academy Award®-winning film Born Free, the organization works locally, nationally, and internationally on the conservation front-lines, in communities, classrooms, courtrooms, and the halls of Congress, to end wild animal cruelty and suffering, and protect threatened wildlife.

Born Free USA was inspired by Virginia McKenna and her (late) husband Bill Travers, who, along with their son, Will, founded The Born Free Foundation (UK) in 1984. Their experience in Kenya filming Born Free, the story of Joy and George Adamson’s fight to successfully return Elsa the lioness to a wild and free life, launched the couple’s “compassionate conservation” movement, aimed at keeping wildlife in the wild. This movement continues to motivate millions of followers and activists across the globe.

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Born Free USA Reacts to Passage of Harmful Manage Our Wolves Act (H.R. 6784) in U.S. House