Trapped Dog Requires Cast for Six Weeks

Cheyenne, WY - USA
Trap Type:
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CHEYENNE, WY – Poppy, a mixed breed Labrador, was trapped in a leghold trap near a parking lot on public lands in the Medicine Bow National Forest, Pole Mountain Unit. The trap broke a bone in her foot, requiring her to wear a cast for six weeks. Poppy and her owner were hiking when she was trapped in a steel leghold trap as they approached a “distributed” campground at the end of road 712AA. High winds and a snowstorm made it difficult to find her. Her owner finally heard her screams above the wind. The trap was above ground, by a log, and marked with what appeared to be a crow wing dangling from a branch above the trap. After freeing her crushed foot from the trap, her owner carried her in a sling made from her orange vest a mile and a half in the snowstorm back to the car and then took her to a veterinarian. When the cast came off, Poppy was able to walk and soon run on her injured foot. The veterinarian warned that there was a possibility that she would develop arthritis in her left foot due to the trauma she experienced from the trap. The examinations, care, and follow-up visits resulted in bills totaling over $500.
