Woman Attacked by Neighbor’s Pet Monkey, Family Member Shoots Monkey Dead

Incident Date:
Carter County, OK - USA
Facility Name:
Facility Type:
Exotic Pet (E)
Incident Category:
Animal Death by human (DH)
Rhesus Macaque
Animal disposition:


In Oklahoma, a woman’s ear was nearly ripped off by a neighbor’s pet monkey named Jack. The woman described the experience as traumatizing, as the monkey broke off a piece of the screen door on her porch when attempting to get inside.

When she went outside after police officers arrived at the scene, the monkey jumped on her head, bit her ear, and ripped out chunks of her hair. She will need plastic surgery. Quick to respond to the incident, a family member of the victim shot the monkey dead.

The woman now worries about letting her child go outside to play. People in the neighborhood were unaware that someone had a pet monkey.

Action take by Born Free USA:
