Pet Monkey in North Carolina Returned to Owner After Escape

Incident Date:
Surf City, NC - USA
Facility Name:
Facility Type:
Exotic Pet (E)
Incident Category:
Escape of animal (EA)
Spider Monkey
Animal disposition:


Surf City, NC – A pet spider monkey that ran away from home in North Carolina this week was safely captured and reunited with the owner.

The Surf City Police Department posted an announcement earlier on Thursday asking members of the public to report any sightings of the loose monkey. A video shared by the police department on Facebook showed the monkey, who appeared to be wearing some type of onesie, climbing in the dead branches of a fallen tree before noticing the observers filming and scampering away.

In an update later Thursday, police said the monkey had been safely captured and reunited with its owner with the help of animal control officers.

Action take by Born Free USA:


Born Free USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 94-6187633.