Successful Sacramento specialty baking business gets “spunky” for monkeys

in Primate Sanctuary

Sacramento, CA — Sacramento-based Animal Protection Institute (API) and Sun Flour Baking Company — the “Feel Good Company” — today announced a partnership to benefit hundreds of primates, many rescued from abusive or exploitative situations, now living at the 186-acre API Primate Sanctuary near San Antonio, TX.
Sun Flour Baking Company will donate five percent of all sales of its newly-christened “Spunky Monkey Peanut Butter Cookie”, available in both vegan and wheat/gluten-free varieties, directly toward the care of the more than 400 nonhuman primates currently residing at the Sanctuary. “Spunky Monkey” cookies can be purchased through Sun Flour Baking Company’s web site,, or at select natural food stores nationwide, including Whole Foods and Wild Oats.

“Sun Flour supports the API Primate Sanctuary because we know that API is a fiscally responsible organization made up of people who truly care about their causes,” says Sun Flour Baking Company founder, Rey Ortega. “As a result, we know our donation will go directly towards improving the welfare of primates, and we are excited about the difference this partnership will make in the lives of these animals.”

The API Primate Sanctuary’s focus is to provide a high standard of lifelong care to primates, including those rescued from roadside zoos, research laboratories, the entertainment industry, and from individuals who had kept them as pets. It is unique among other U.S. sanctuaries in that it is one of the very few to provide a free-ranging environment that allows the majority of the primates to live as natural a life as possible with a minimum amount of human intervention. Residents include snow monkeys, other macaques, baboons and vervets.

Prior to their arrival at the Sanctuary, many of the rescued primates had been severely deprived of their physical, social and psychological needs, and some continue to be psychologically damaged from their interactions with humans. API is committed to the rehabilitation of these individuals by providing a highly-stimulating environment and encouraging group living. Fortunately, their instinctive behavior and natural resilience help the monkeys eventually adjust to living as freely as possible and to spending their remaining years among others of their kind.

“Caring for more than 400 nonhuman primates is a daunting, expensive undertaking that literally, never ends,” says Tracy Lesperance, API’s Director of Development. “Sun Flour’s generosity will go a long way in allowing us to continue providing top-notch care for the amazing individuals currently at the Sanctuary, as well as any others who might need our help in the future.”

To “adopt” a primate or find out more about life at the Sanctuary, visit The Animal Protection Institute is a national non-profit organization working to end animal cruelty and exploitation through legislation, litigation and public education. For more information, visit

Press-quality images and downloadable b-roll of the API Primate Sanctuary are available to the media upon request; email


Lauren Farnsworth, Sun Flour Baking Company, 916-488-4150
Zibby Wilder, Animal Protection Institute, 916-447-3085 x205

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