Lights Out — Save Energy and…Baby Turtles!

in Wildlife Conservation

Who isn’t weary from all the bad news gushing (pun intended!) from the Gulf of Mexico over the last three months? Someone is bound to write a new book—Deep Water Drilling for Dummies. We’ve become reluctantly familiar with the oil industry jargon describing one failed well-capping procedure after another. Thankfully, according to the most recent reports, the present “cap” is still holding but the real solution is sealing the well deep within the ocean floor. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
By all calculations so far, the Deep Water Horizon disaster is the worst oil spill in U. S. History. Let me be clear that in no way am I downplaying its long-term impact on people, or the fact that 11 workers died in the initial rig explosion. But, the effects of the tremendous ecological damage may not be immediately known and the damage will more than likely affect us for decades–a sobering thought indeed. Every living ocean organism and sea creature, land animals and birds that inhabit the shores, beaches and marshes have been impacted in one way or another. To what extent only time will tell.

One species in particular — the sea turtle — is clearly threatened. Wildlife officials are currently attempting to conduct a mass relocation of sea turtle hatchlings from the Northern Gulf Coast to the East Coast of Florida.

Will it work?

There’s no doubt releasing baby turtles into the oil-fouled waters of the immediate area would be lethal for them, but it’s not clear if the hatchlings will be able to orient themselves and find food in their new habitats. To make matters worse, more turtle hatchlings are dying–not because of oil-choked waters and beaches–but because of confusion caused by man-made lights on beach front hotels and resorts. Hatchlings instinctively rely on moonlight to guide them to the sea. These artificial lights confuse them, sending them in the wrong direction, or in circles, until they die. Watch video:

Is it overwhelming? Of course it is. But remember that solutions exist (and some of them are as easy as turning off a light!) and that’s where we play an important role.

Every two years we put on the armor and fight for threatened and endangered species when we attend CITES. We are committed to ending the global wildlife trade that victimizes sea animals, including sharks and sea turtles that are used in soup, or their body parts transformed into earrings or necklaces.

You, our supporters, are our troops in this war to end the exploitation of wildlife. Each time you take the time to contact your elected officials about a matter of deep concern to you, you educate, you raise consciousness, and you demand action. Every dollar you contribute is put to the best use to directly impact vulnerable wildlife.

And taking what you learned here today, you might be able to make a difference for animals while vacationing at a resort where wildlife lives closely alongside people! Be sure to take note of how the community regards wildlife. Something as simple as requesting a hotel to turn out its lights during crucial turtle migration could mean the difference of life and death to these truly vulnerable beings.

We know it’s not a question of what’s more important — human life or animal life? It’s about learning to live respectfully with all life.

With your continued support, we’re proud to lead the way!

Till next time,


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The Cow and the Tiger