More Than 50 Days After the Release …

in Dolphins In Turkey

It’s now over 50 days since Tom and Misha were released and the initial daily cycling on the satellite tags has changed to every other day. With the two dolphins having gone their separate ways, a small contingent from the rehabilitation team is now working to try and get good, fresh visuals on both, starting with Misha.
Waving the VHF receiver checking for their VHF signal (these tags will expire soon), Derya Yildirim, on hearing the familiar “chirp,” says, “It’s like hearing from an old friend.”
Hearing Misha’s signal is a welcome sound, and while Jeff and Derya have managed to get within approximately 100 meters, opportunity for close observation has not yet been possible. Misha is avoiding the boat! A similar follow-up on Tom, who is about 500 kilometers away, will begin later this week.

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More Than 60 Days After the Release ...