More Than 60 Days After the Release …

in Dolphins In Turkey

It is now over 60 days since Tom and Misha were released back to the wild. Misha, after heading in the same direction as Tom for a few days, changed course and headed east toward the area of Antalya. The team managed to observe him there last week, but only from a distance, and he is moving and diving well.

Meanwhile, Tom has headed to Kusadesi, not far from the area we believe he was originally caught. The team were also able to catch up with him.
Tom was always the more approachable of the two dolphins and the team were able to observe him more closely — and he looks magnificent. He has gained weight since release. The team spent several days in the area to observe his behavior and the local reaction to his presence. Tom, however ,soon moved on … so we’ll see what he decides to do next.

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