A.1754 Restricts Use of Body-Gripping Traps [2013]

in New York

Update: This bill failed to pass before the session ended.

Description: AB 1754 restricts the use of body-gripping traps by prohibiting their use within 100 feet of many public places, including highways, schools and places of worship.
Background: Body-gripping traps are indiscriminate in the people or animals they will catch. Hidden in brush, the traps often catch dogs and other non-targeted animals. They pose a particular risk to children. Prohibiting trappers from placing traps too close to public areas can reduce the incidents of non-targeted trapping incidents that occur when people and their companion animals walk or hike near populated areas.

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A.1756/S.1039 Gives Municipalities Power to Reduce Trapping [2013-14]