Crush, Burn, Wipe it All Away: Only Elephants Should Have Ivory

in International Wildlife Trade

France has now announced that it will destroy its stockpiled elephant ivory – which could amount in the tens of tons after years of imports from Africa. It leaves me reflective of the ivory burns in Kenya and the recent ivory crush in the U.S. [teaserbreak]

The November 14 ivory crush in Colorado marked the demolition of nearly six tons of seized elephant ivory: a sad reminder of lives lost, but an important reminder of what we need to do to keep elephants safe in the wild.

The seized ivory would have never been sold. But, ironically, destroying the ivory stockpile can save more elephants than keeping the ivory in government storage.

Surprisingly, the U.S. ivory crush—a dramatic symbolic gesture meant to send a powerful global message—has been met with cynicism by some. Wildlife trade apologists manipulate political and economic arguments to justify more ivory in commerce, rather than less. But some of our thoughtful and compassionate followers have also asked questions about the reasons for the crush and its potential impact.

The following Q&A represents common questions about the ivory crush and Born Free’s responses.

Q: What’s the point of holding the ivory crush?

A: It sends a message throughout the country–and globally–that there should be no marketplace for ivory.

Q: How will crushing stockpiles of ivory change anything?

A: By crushing ivory in a public display, American consumers nationwide are educated about the current elephant poaching crisis. It reminds everyone that consuming countries such as China, Japan, and even the United States have a responsibility to stop the ivory trade.

Q: But this crush was in Colorado. Doesn’t most poaching happen abroad?

A: Yes, but the event shows support for the African governments who have nobly destroyed their ivory stockpiles — that we stand with them in the battle to remove ivory from circulation permanently. And we hope it will happen again and again everywhere seized ivory exists.

Q: How was the public informed about the crush?

A: The media interest was astounding, and thousands of outlets, for instance, have run the Associated Press story ( Nothing short of this public, intense, and moving destruction would have garnered such important and widespread media attention.

Q: What will happen with all of the crushed ivory?

A: It has been mentioned that American zoos would display the crushed ivory to educate zoo visitors about the ivory trade. Naturally, Born Free hopes that there will come a day when the same zoos display crushed ivory but do not display live elephants.

Q: Won’t destroying the ivory make it more scarce, thereby increasing demand?

A: Of course, seized ivory in government-controlled stockpiles in America would never find its way to the marketplace, so the amount of ivory for sale is really unchanged. Further, this self-interested perspective blithely ignores conservation history, and the fact that the loss of half of Africa’s elephants came during a time when elephant ivory could be sold in a so-called regulated trade. As my colleague Adam Roberts has written, Born Free believes that “giving a value to ivory makes it acceptable; making it acceptable makes it marketable; making it marketable makes it profitable; making it profitable means slaughtered elephants. After the 1989 ban on ivory sales, ivory became taboo, markets evaporated, prices decreased, and elephant populations stabilized.”

While there may be debate about what to do with seized ivory, there surely can be no debate that all governments of the world should ban ivory from the marketplace.

This historic ivory crush was a massive success, garnering media attention, celebrity supporters, and positive public feedback. But, ultimately, the true measure of success will be how we regard and treat the next generations of elephants. Born Free hopes that this event turned the tide toward a more compassionate future for elephants—and we’ll continue to work tirelessly for their protection.

Blogging off,


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