S.B. 658: Allows More Facilities to Breed Carnivores

in Michigan

Bill Description:
This bill widens the number of facilities that may breed and transfer large carnivores. Circuses, certified sanctuaries, and certain zoos are already exempt from the ban on these activiteis, but this bill would ensure that any facility that meets the minimal standards outlined in the bill would be able to breed and transfer certain exotic animals. The animals outlined in the legislation include lions, cheetahs, tigers, jaguars, leopards and bears. This creates a huge loophole that could allow for the proliferation of backyard breeders and unscrupulous exhibitors.[teaserbreak]

Breeding of large carnivores by most individuals and facilities was outlawed by the Large Carnivore Act because of the inhumane conditions found at roadside zoos. Broadening the criteria for who may breed and transfer animals could allow these disreputable facilities to more easily acquire and keep exotic animals.

Take Action:
Michigan residents, contact your state senator and urge him or her to oppose this legislation!

Read the full text and follow its progress here.

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Cecil the Lion's Grandcubs on the Way