How to Coexist with Wildlife
As human development progressively encroaches on wildlife habitat, conflicts between wildlife and people increase. Each year, in response to such actual or perceived conflicts, people turn to lethal control efforts to kill “offending” animals. In addition to being inhumane, lethal control efforts are generally doomed to fail, as they don’t address the root causes of conflicts or provide long-lasting solutions.
The cornerstone of Born Free USA’s Coexisting with Wildlife campaign is the promotion of educated coexistence with our wild neighbors. Through advocacy at a variety of levels, we use our expertise to take aim at the needless killing of wildlife. We protect animals by educating people about the benefits of peaceful coexistence, providing tools and guidance for nonlethal conflict management, and publicizing solutions that can prevent conflicts from arising in the first place. We also use legislative and regulatory channels to speak for the wild animals who cannot speak for themselves.