Exotic Cat Finally Caught

Incident Date:
Santa Fe, NM - USA
Facility Name:
Private Residence
Facility Type:
Exotic Pet (E)
Incident Category:
Escape of animal (EA)
Small Cats
Animal disposition:


The field day has ended for the escaped Sub-Saharan African serval cat that grabbed headlines after Santa Feans spotted it roaming around Hyde Memorial State Park. Conservation Officer Manuel Overby of the New Mexico Game and Fish Department caught the cat in a “live cage.”

Live cages are a safe and humane way to capture large animals such as the serval, says Game and Fish spokeswoman Tristanna Bickford. Overby placed a rotisserie chicken in the cage and left the area. The cat has been transferred to Albuquerque BioPark while officers investigate whether it was being held as a pet and how it escaped.

“At this time the Department believes the serval was being kept as a pet and has no evidence to support it being from a captive breeding facility,” a Game and Fish news release says. Servals are illegal to import or posses in New Mexico.

Action take by Born Free USA:
