Jaguar Slashes Man Who Got too Close to Enclosure

Incident Date:
Jacksonville, FL - USA
Facility Name:
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
Facility Type:
Accredited AZA Facility (AZA)
Incident Category:
Escape/Attack resulting in human injury (HI)
Big Cats
Animal disposition:


A man who climbed over a wooden barrier at the Range of the Jaguar display at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens was mauled Wednesday when a big cat took swipes at him through a metal mesh fence. The jaguar was identified as 12-year-old Harry zoo officials confirmed. The 23-year-old man from Virginia, whose name was not released, was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, zoo officials said. He went over a waist-high safety barrier that puts about 4 feet of empty space between visitors and the jaguar exhibit’s fence, according to zoo marketing director Kelly Rouillard. Then he made “a foolish decision” and began taunting the jaguar, putting his hand on and through the fence, Rouillard said.

Action take by Born Free USA:
