Long-time Roadside Zoo’s USDA Permit Revoked

Incident Date:
Charlestown, IN - USA
Facility Name:
Wildlife in Need
Facility Type:
Non-accredited Facility (RSZ)
Incident Category:
Animal Death by human (DH)
Big Cats
Red Kangaroos and Fennec Fox
Animal disposition:


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has revoked the permit of a long-troubled Southern Indiana wildlife facility whose owner has been accused of beating his animals to death and threatening officials.

The complaint covered instances from January 2012 through January 2016 and was initiated by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in July 2016. It alleged “well over 120 violations” of the federal Animal Welfare Act.

Some of the substantiated claims against Stark include abusing and threatening government officials, maintaining shoddy and falsified documents, and inadequately caring for animals that were sick and dying. In one confirmed allegation, Stark beat a leopard cub to death with a baseball bat.

Action take by Born Free USA:


The ruling revoked Wildlife in Need’s federal license and fining the facility $300,000 and Stark $40,000 in civil penalties.