Police in Arizona Find and Confiscate Tiger Cub and Other Exotic Animals in Man’s Residence

Incident Date:
Phoenix, AZ - USA
Facility Name:
Facility Type:
Exotic Pet (E)
Incident Category:
Legal/illegal issue (LI)
Big Cats
Tiger, Snapping Turtle, Alligator, Capuchin, Crocodile
Animal disposition:


Police in Phoenix, Arizona, confiscated a tiger cub after a man was found trying to sell the cub online via social media platforms. Police went undercover to investigate and also found baby snapping turtles and a baby American alligator in a small aquarium. The police discovered the tiger cub in the man’s residence, growling in a small cage the size of a dog kennel.

UPDATE: In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a federal search warrant indicates that a tiger cub named Duke found last month may have been part of a larger illegal exotic animal smuggling operation. In early January, authorities found the tiger at a trailer when police were investigating a shooting.

In the two homes searched, authorities discovered two tiger cubs, a capuchin monkey, and a crocodile; evidence of numerous other exotic animals having been there; and guns, drugs, and money. The animals were allegedly obtained from a contact in Mexico. The search warrant states that the smuggler was hoping to sell the animals for double to triple what he paid for them, and that he arranged for the tiger found in January to be sent to New York for drugs and money.

Action take by Born Free USA:
