Sponsor Huey!
Huey the cat is the king of the sanctuary and rules the roost. He likes to think of himself as sanctuary director with an entire staff to wait upon his every need… and he is not wrong!
By sponsoring Huey, you will be helping to provide for his lifelong care and that of the other sanctuary cats who make their home here.

Sponsor Huey!
Huey was found as a stray kitten in 2010 and brought to the sanctuary by a caregiver. When he arrived, he was suffering from multiple injuries and severe emaciation and dehydration. He thankfully recovered from all of his ailments, except for his injured tail, which had to be amputated. Huey now resembles a small bobcat, as most of his tail is missing. He very soon became the beloved office cat who always gets his way. Whether it is anchoring a member of staff to their chair by falling sound asleep on them, to loudly demanding to be fed (even when he has already been fed), Huey knows how much he is loved and that his human friends would do anything for him. If anyone displeases Huey – for example if they stand up before he is ready to wake up, or they stop petting him when he wants attention – they will get a swift swipe with his paw. He needs to keep his friends in check, after all.
Help provide for Huey’s lifelong care, and the care of the sanctuary’s other cat residents, by sponsoring Huey!
Sex: Male
Year Born: 2010
Year Arrived at Sanctuary: 2010
Species: Domestic cat
Best Friends: Whoever is in charge of feeding him!
Likes: Sleeping on people’s laps, hiding in cupboards, stalking the other sanctuary cats, and overseeing the running of the sanctuary.
Dislikes: Being disturbed when he is sleeping, getting caught in the rain, when his caregivers don’t feed him the moment he gets hungry.