Born Free USA's Three Year Strategic Roadmap

Advancing a world of peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife.

​Securing a future for animals presents a formidable challenge.

Across the globe, 1 million animal and plant species could face extinction by the close of the century largely due to human activities.

In the United States, a pervasive perception of animals as commodities and sources of entertainment still exists, along with the false notion that keeping animals in captivity aids in wildlife conservation. ​We are also confronted with the repercussions of human exploitation, such as the killing of apex predators and animals deemed to be a nuisance. Legal safeguards for animals are scarce, and even where they exist, enforcement often proves ineffective, under-resourced, or nearly impossible.​

The upcoming decade represents a crucial, and perhaps final, chance to reverse environmental decline and avoid a mass extinction event on our planet.​

Born Free USA’s Three Year Strategic Roadmap provides a way forward to address these challenges.

Born Free USA’s Three Year Strategic Roadmap is an ambitious plan composed of three programmatic pillars, which seeks to address the problems facing wildlife and the natural world and guide our mission to advance a world of peaceful co-existence between humans and wildlife.

Born Free USA's Three Year Strategic Plan

Watch the Webinar

Learn more about our three-year strategic plan in this informative webinar hosted by Born Free USA CEO, Angela Grime, featuring in-depth presentations by Dr Liz Tyson, Director of Animal Welfare and Advocacy, and Alice Stroud, Director of Global Conservation Programs.

An Invitation to Fight for Wildlife

You are an essential partner in advancing a world of peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife. Together, we can turn the tide of mass extinction and ensure a future for wildlife and the wild spaces where they thrive. Below are some impactful ways to partner with us on this vision.

Make a Donation

Donate cash, stocks, donor advised funds, or cryptocurrency.


Become a Monthly Wildlife Sustainer

Support wildlife on a monthly basis with a recurring gift.


Join the Monkey of the Month Club

Adopt a different monkey every month for a year in the Monkey of the Month Club.


Adopt a Sanctuary Monkey

Help provide the primate sanctuary residents with nutritious food, medical care, enrichment, and more!


Adopt a Wildlife Species

Symbolically adopt a wild animal to support Born Free USA's campaigns.


Join the Leadership Giving Circle

Give a gift of $1,000 or more to join our Leadership Giving Circle!


Join Women for Wildlife

Join a passionate and dedicated group of women igniting positive change for wildlife, one project at a time!


Contact Us about Corporate Partnerships

Help animals through your business by partnering with Born Free USA.


Join Elsa's Legacy Circle

Remember Born Free USA in your will or estate to create a long-lasting legacy for wildlife.


More Ways to Get Involved

Advocate with Us

Animals need people like you to take action and speak out on their behalf! Sign Born Free USA’s petitions, write to your lawmakers on pro-wildlife legislation, and explore other resources for advocates and activists.

Volunteer with Us

Contact Born Free USA for opportunities to help animals and support our work for wildlife.