Victory at Last: Lions Listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act
Learn about Born Free USA’s successful campaign to have the African lion listed as Endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

Report: Reconnaissance visit to Alatash-Dinder Lion Conservation Unit, Ethiopia-Sudan Border
Report on Born Free’s findings about lions living in a remote national park near the Ethiopia-Sudan border.

Lion Lesson Plan: Grades 1 - 3
Born Free USA named 2016 “The Year of the Lion” to honor the 50th anniversary of the award-winning 1966 film Born Free, which captured the hearts of a worldwide audience with the story of Elsa the lioness. Our “Year of the Lion” campaign celebrated the film’s anniversary and shined a spotlight on the urgent plight of lions. For this celebration, we developed this lesson plan for Grades 1 – 3.

Lion Lesson Plan: Grades 4 - 6
Born Free USA named 2016 “The Year of the Lion” to honor the 50th anniversary of the award-winning 1966 film Born Free, which captured the hearts of a worldwide audience with the story of Elsa the lioness. Our “Year of the Lion” campaign celebrated the film’s anniversary and shined a spotlight on the urgent plight of lions. For this celebration, we developed this lesson plan for Grades 4 – 6.
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June 05, 2018