Planned Giving
We are here to help! Please contact us if you would like to discuss leaving a legacy gift to Born Free USA.
Why create a Legacy with Born Free USA?
You can help ensure a more humane future for wildlife by remembering Born Free USA (which merged with Animal Protection Institute (API) in 2007) in your estate plans. Leaving a compassionate legacy means you will be continuing to give lifelong care to rescued animals, safeguarding entire species, and ensuring protections for wildlife around the world for years to come.
How can I help?
Types of legacy gifts include wills and trusts, retirement plans, stock, life insurance, and real estate and real property.
It doesn’t matter if your estate will be large or small; your gift is meaningful!
What should I do next?
Whether you are creating your first will or updating your current will, we recommend you consider obtaining advice from a professional advisor or attorney to ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Don’t forget to specify care for your pets!
Get Started or Update Your Will Using FreeWill
To help you get started on your first will, or to update your current plans, you can use FreeWill. FreeWill is a free, online resource that guides you through the process of creating your plans in 20 minutes or less. It is simple to use, and can help you include a lasting legacy gift to Born Free USA.
Plan Your Beneficiaries
Assets you pass on outside of your will are called non-probate assets, and typically include IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, certain bank and brokerage accounts, and life insurance policies. You can set up beneficiaries for these assets using this free online tool from FreeWill.
Let Us Know about a Planned Gift
If you have already included Born Free USA in your will, please fill out this form to share information about your gift. We’d love to thank you for your generosity.
If you have any questions about getting up your legacy gift to Born Free USA, please contact us at or by phone at 301-448-1407.
Download a Printable Brochure
You can print a planned giving brochure at home and take information about leaving a legacy gift to Born Free USA wherever you go.

Born Free USA United with Animal Protection Institute (API)

8737 Colesville Road, Suite 305, Silver Spring, MD 20910

This is not tax advice, please consult your attorney or CPA. It is not a substitute for expert legal, tax, or other professional counsel and we strongly encourage donors to work with your professional advisers to determine the impact of the laws on your particular situation. This information may not be relied upon for the purposes of avoiding any penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code.
Important Information about Your Long-Term Gift to Animal Protection Institute (API)
If you have named the Animal Protection Institute (API) in your will, a trust, or in your long-term financial plans, thank you. If we may ask for your further assistance, please update your records with the name change: Born Free USA. While it is not legally required, it may make the facilitation of your estate easier. Our federal tax ID number and mailing address are listed above.