Owner’s Experience With Trapped Dog Ends in Frustration With the State

Blaine County, ID - USA
Trap Type:
Incident Date:
Victim's Disposition:
Victim's Name:
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BLAINE COUNTY, ID – An owner was walking her golden retriever (unspecified in report) at a location where people recreate frequently, often with children, about four miles from her truck, when her dog yelped out in pain. He had been caught by a white trap covered by white snow. The trap was a “No BS X-treme Wolf Trap.” In his panicked state, her dog bit her and dislocated her thumb as she initially tried to free him. Even when she applied all of her body weight on the trap, she couldn’t get it to budge. Luckily, a couple of larger men showed up. With their combined weight, around 400 pounds, they were able to put enough pressure on the levers to free her dog. Although her dog escaped serious injury, she has substantial medical bills from the incident. The trap was apparently illegally placed near the road. Idaho law requires traps to be at least 10 feet from the edge of any road or trail. The owner claims the trap was also missing its required identification: either the name and address of the owner, or a unique number assigned by Fish and Game. Idaho code prohibits removing, tampering or damaging a trap. There are no exceptions written into the law, but Fish and Game spokesman Roger Phillip said someone saving their pet from a trap isn’t in any legal jeopardy.
