Trapping Incident #17
Out hunting rabbits just south of Thompson Creek on public hunting land owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a deputy Salina police chief heard his dog yelp. “At first, I thought she was in a fight,” he said. But Bella was caught in the rectangular steel jaws of a conibear trap. He struggled frantically to free her. “I had read how to get them off. I’m afraid all my efforts did was prolong the agony of her death,” he said. “It was incredibly devastating.” Bella became weaker, and then fell unconscious. Within six minutes, she was gone. The trap was set in a plastic bucket to entice the curiosity of a raccoon, coyote or bobcat. When an animal sticks its head in the bucket, the trap is tripped. So it was that Bella, curious as she patrolled for rabbits, was captured by the powerful jaws. The trap was legal.