Freeman, the Miracle Monkey

Sex: Male

Year Born: 2001

Year Arrived at Sanctuary: 2012

Species: Long-tailed macaque

Best Friends: Sissy and Felix

Likes: Eating, being groomed, splashing in his pool.


Freeman really is a miracle monkey. He was rescued in 2012 after enduring the worst conditions our staff had ever seen. Kept in a dog transport crate for ten long years, Freeman was never allowed out of his tiny, dirty prison. He was kept in a dark room and his crate was never cleaned. There were six inches of feces on the floor and covering the few toys he had been given. As if his existence was not miserable enough, his former owners also got him high on marijuana and drunk on alcohol. It is a true miracle that Freeman did not give up, but something made him hold on until he was finally rescued. When he arrived at the sanctuary his life began anew.

Incredibly, despite his terrible early life, Freeman grew into a well-adjusted and happy monkey. He has firm friendships with fellow long-tailed macaques, Sissy and Felix, and the three spend their days grooming one another, foraging, and chatting to their human caregivers. Freeman, in particular, is fond of some of his human friends and will seek out their attention when they walk by. He has little patience at feeding time, though. If caregivers do not get his food to him quickly enough, or the food is not to his liking, he will give them a very stern "threat face" to show his displeasure.

Freeman has a particular love of water and, if given the opportunity – whether it be in puddles after heavy rain or in his play pool given to him by staff – he will be found happily splishing and splashing around wherever there is water.

Be part of Freeman's miraculous recovery by adopting him!

If you adopt Freeman, consider also adopting Kiki, another monkey who had been kept as a pet.