Sex: Male
Year Born: 2004
Year arrived at Sanctuary: 2010
Species: Long-Tailed Macaque
Distinct Features: Big teeth and over-sized ears
Likes:His friends, Conner, Tiny, and Edgar.
Gizmo came to the sanctuary in 2010, after being used in animal experimentation. He now lives with three other long-tail macaques, with whom he has built firm friendships. In particular, he loves to wrestle and play with Conner and Tiny and, on cold mornings, Gizmo will usually be found cuddled up next to one of his buddies. Like human children, monkeys sometimes suck their thumb for comfort and, if Gizmo is feeling a little stressed or concerned, he will sit with his thumb in his mouth.
Gizmo is easily recognizable thanks to his big teeth – which somehow seem a little too big for his mouth – and his over-sized, floppy ears, which are also his most expressive features. You can tell when Gizmo is excited as he will flap his ears back and forth! We believe Gizmo's distinctive features add to his undeniable charm.
If you adopt Gizmo, please also consider adopting Mig, another monkey from animal experimentation.