Louie, the Shy Newbie

Sex: Male

Year Born: 2009

Year Arrived at Sanctuary: 2022

Species: Vervet monkey

Best Friends: Archie and Ricky

Likes: Apples and sunbathing


Louie arrived at the sanctuary with five other monkeys in the Fall of 2022. He is a vervet monkey who had been kept illegally as a pet for many years in Illinois. Even though the keeping of monkeys as pets is banned in the state of Illinois, Louie is the seventh monkey we have rehomed from there in the last twelve months.

Louie is the least human-oriented of the new arrivals and likes to keep himself to himself as he watches our caregivers carefully. He is quick to come over for a snack, though, and has shown us that his favorite food is apples. He will even turn down a delicious banana for a crunchy apple!

Like his five companions, Louie had had all of his canine teeth removed, a cruel practice which "pet" primates are often subjected to to prevent them from injuring their owners. He also arrived with a band of missing fur around his waist and a bald patch on his tail – this will be from where he was made to wear a leash and diaper – something entirely alien to a monkey.

Despite his difficult start to life, Louie is settling in well at the sanctuary and enjoying his new surroundings and the company of his friends. We are looking forward to watching Louie thrive in his journey of recovery. You can support Louie on his journey of healing by adopting him!

If you adopt Louie, consider also adopting Willis, another vervet monkey who had been kept illegally as a pet in Illinois.