Sex: Female
Year Born: 2005
Year arrived at Sanctuary: 2006
Species: Bonnet macaque
Best Friend: Ecki
Likes: Climbing and swinging in the trees.
Mig is a female bonnet macaque who arrived at the sanctuary with her mother and father in August 2006, as part of a group of bonnet macaques rehomed from animal experimentation. All the bonnets were born in captivity and had spent their entire lives under unnatural laboratory conditions.
Arriving at our sanctuary meant that, for the first time in their lives, Mig and her family were experiencing natural sights, sounds, and smells. They were initially cautious of their new surroundings and the new sensations – the warmth of the sun, the open sky, grass, and soil. It was more than a week before the group gradually started to venture down onto the ground and walk apprehensively across the grass. As their confidence grew, they became bolder, and after a period of acclimation they began to actively explore and enjoy their new environment.
Mig has become inseparable from another young female, Ecki (known affectionately to the staff as "Lil Bit" because of her small size). They were both only one year old when they arrived at the sanctuary and have grown up together in their new surroundings. The two spent their younger days playing with and chasing each other and the other young bonnets. As they mature, you will be more likely to find them cuddled together and grooming one another in companionable comfort.
If you adopt Mig, consider adopting Gizmo, another monkey from animal experimentation.