Oscar, the Best Pal

Sex: Male

Year Born: 2005

Year arrived at Sanctuary: 2018

Species: Rhesus macaque

Best Friend: Creed

Favorite Food: Nuts

Likes: Grooming

Dislikes: Rainy days (but loves splashing in his water bucket!)


Oscar was rehomed from animal experimentation into the care of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in May 2018. Oscar had never walked on grass or earth and was initially afraid to step out of his transport crate. However, within a few hours, he began to explore his new enclosure, which he shared with Creed, who arrived at the same time.

Oscar has formed a bond with Creed and they were spotted grooming each other only a few days after arriving at the sanctuary – an important part of primate sociability.
The pair are now known as inseparable, loveable rabble-rousers and will take a great interest in what is going on around them. This might include shouting at caregivers if they see them carrying another monkey to the clinic, or excitedly egging on disputes between other monkey social groups. Life at the sanctuary is very entertaining for these two boys, who are always on the go!

Oscar is the less dominant of the two and is more comfortable around caregivers than his friend. Oscar will sometimes instigate a game of water splashing with one of his human carers, and adopt his "play face" to show he is having fun. If Creed notices, he will show the caregiver his best "threat face" and Oscar will quickly pretend that he was never cavorting with the "enemy" by pretending to join in with Creed's annoyance!

If you adopt Oscar, consider adopting Creed, his best friend!