Born Free USA's Youth Council

Born Free USA’s Youth Council

In 2024, Born Free USA is launching an exciting new initiative in youth engagement and leadership development – our first Youth Council. We believe that young people are not just future leaders in animal welfare and conservation, but have the talent, drive, and understanding to lead efforts for change right now.

We are establishing our first council of people between the ages of 10 and 18 to help to guide and inform our work with young people, to develop and deliver self-led campaigns for animals and the environment, and to receive training and mentorship opportunities to hone leadership skills for now and in the future. Our first council will be made up of 8 to 10 members.

The recruitment window for the first Youth Council opens on August 1, 2024 and close on September 15, 2024. The first Youth Council meeting is expected to be held on or around November 1, 2024.

Potential council members must be nominated by an adult known to them. Those selected following nominations will be invited to apply to join the council.

We encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities.

How to Submit a Nomination

  • Nominations must be made by an adult known to the child.
  • Nominations can be in written, video, or audio format and should speak to the qualities that the nominee possesses that would make them a successful Youth Council member. Nominations should detail, in particular, the young person’s interest and commitment to animals and the natural world. Recordings should be between 2 – 5 minutes long and written nominations should be no more than one page.
  • Please input your details and upload the document, video, or audio file using the form on this page. If you have trouble uploading your document, please email
  • Following selection based on nominations, the nominee will be asked to provide a short essay, video, or audio recording detailing their interest in becoming a council member or participate in an informal interview with Born Free staff to establish the same.
  • The adult(s) who have legal responsibility for the nominee must consent to their child’s involvement in the program.
  • Complete background checks are conducted on all adults involved in the program.

For More Information

For more detailed information about the program, please review our Youth Council Handbook.

For adults responsible for nominees who want to learn more about the program, please contact Liz Tyson, Director of Animal Welfare and Advocacy, at

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.