Born Free USA's Youth Council

Born Free USA’s Youth Council

Established in November 2024, Born Free’s Youth Council seeks to support young leaders hone and develop knowledge around animal welfare and conservation, as well as advocacy and campaigning skills to make change in the world. In addition to youth-led campaigns, the members of the Born Free USA Youth Council will partner with the our existing team to bring their perspective and ideas to our existing campaigns and programs.

It is common to refer to young people as “future leaders” but we believe that they are the young leaders of today, with huge potential as positive changemakers. We are excited to see what our Youth Council achieves in its inaugural year and are anticipating great things!

Meet the Youth Council



Anjali is a high school student from New Jersey. She has been involved in environmental advocacy for the past few years, especially having seen firsthand the impact we can have on animals and the beautiful Jersey shore. Anjali has worked to reduce clothing waste and advocated for the ban of plastic straws in schools. She is excited to continue her work with Born Free to ensure that nature is protected and wildlife is treated with respect.



Hector Bateman is a young actor and passionate advocate for animals. He is a youth ambassador for Born Free, and proud to be a founding member of Born Free USA youth council. Hector is keen to protect and support wildlife across the globe, believing young people can make a difference to the future of nature and the planet.



Kate Gilman Williams has launched several projects designed to inspire young people to take action for animals. When she was only eight years old, she authored the book Let’s Go On Safari!, which takes readers on a safari adventure and encourages children to speak up for animals who do not have a voice. She then founded Kids Can Save Animals to connect her generation with world-renowned conservation organizations, technologists, policy makers, and global leaders who work to save wildlife and wild spaces. She also launched Club 15, a podcast so named because we lose one elephant from our planet every 15 minutes. Club 15 was created in partnership with Microsoft, an extension of Microsoft’s conservation initiative, Project 15. Each episode of Club 15 introduces young people to top scientists, technologists, and conservationists working to save animals from extinction. In June 2021, she released a song along with singer Jenn Hartmann Luck titled “Kids Can Save Animals,” which stresses the role kids can play in safeguarding the natural world.

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Mason understands and embraces the importance of animals in our world. He has been a part of a group that organized a fundraiser for Mission Blue – an organization fighting to protect marine habitats. He also donates regularly to the Red Panda Network.

Mason is already an active and enthusiastic member of our council, bringing his important perspectives and ideas into our shared discussions and learning.

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Dorothy joined the Youth Council in March 2025. She has a strong background in volunteering with animals, including at a farm sanctuary, and is keen to develop skills around advocacy and campaigning.

We are looking forward to gaining Dorothy’s insight in future meetings and workshops.

Apply to Join the Youth Council

  • Applications to join Born Free USA’s Youth Council are open on a rolling basis.
  • Nominations must be made by an adult known to the child.
  • Nominations can be in written, video, or audio format and should speak to the qualities that the nominee possesses that would make them a successful Youth Council member. Nominations should detail, in particular, the young person’s interest and commitment to animals and the natural world. Recordings should be between 2 – 5 minutes long and written nominations should be no more than one page.
  • Please input your details and upload the document, video, or audio file using the form on this page. If you have trouble uploading your document, please email
  • Following selection based on nominations, the nominee will be asked to provide a short essay, video, or audio recording detailing their interest in becoming a council member or participate in an informal interview with Born Free staff to establish the same.
  • The adult(s) who have legal responsibility for the nominee must consent to their child’s involvement in the program.
  • Complete background checks are conducted on all adults involved in the program.

For More Information

For more detailed information about the program, please review our Youth Council Handbook.

For adults responsible for nominees who want to learn more about the program, please contact Liz Tyson, Director of Animal Welfare and Advocacy, at

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.